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Our Instructors

Alex George 

Alex拥有NM Tech的两个学位,计算机科学学士学位和计算机科学学士学位 Electrical Engineering.  他断断续续地教了我们三年的太极课程 now. Alex has a 1st degree Black Belt in Taijutsu.

Bill Stone

Dr. 斯通是NMT的数学教授,但他分享了他对葡萄酒的了解 从2007年开始,向口渴的技术人员教授Zymurgy(品酒),至今已有8年.

Brad Hoffman

布拉德利拥有多米尼加大学心理咨询硕士学位 BA in Political Science from Swarthmore College. He currently coaches Basketball at 多明尼加的斯沃斯莫尔和加州大学戴维斯分校.

Carrie Marsyla

Carrie拥有工商管理硕士学位,辅修会计学,她也是一名认证讲师 in a variety of fitness areas since 1989. She has served as a personal trainer and has taught Yoga, Pilates, Prenatal and Aerobic fitness. She has also trained in fitness instruction with the Arthritis Foundation.

Dug Corpolongo

道格·科波隆哥师傅自1979年开始练习武术并教授武术 Arts since 1989.  他获得了许多奖项、任命、会员资格和证书 during his lengthy career. Presently, he teaches in Albuquerque, Los Lunas and in Socorro.

Gaby Benalil

Gaby Benalil拥有新墨西哥大学声乐表演音乐硕士学位,并参加过 在许多演出中,比如柴可夫斯基在尤金的《365彩票在线计划》. She has played the cello for the Chamber Orchestra here at New Mexico Tech.

Jenny Blomquist

珍妮拥有新墨西哥大学艺术工作室美术学士学位,目前 working towards a Master of Fine Arts degree. She completed a teaching/painting apprenticeship 在米琪·格蕾丝的指导下,此后一直在365彩票在线过滤担任绘画教师 2006. 珍妮的作品在新墨西哥州销售,她也接受佣金工作.

Judy Richardson

朱迪是一位雕塑家,她从布鲁克林及时搬到了新墨西哥州的马格达莱纳.  She has 她特意住在全国各地,用废弃的材料创作, 既有天然的,也有人造的,还有她自己制作的零件.  她的作品灵感来自许多不同的来源,从政治到个人.  她曾是旧金山歌剧院的风景艺术家,对她产生了巨大的影响 on her work.  她是2013年波洛克·克拉斯纳基金会资助的获得者 从新墨西哥州的罗斯威尔到佛蒙特州的工作室中心,都有许多艺术家的驻地 to Cochabamba,  Bolivia, to Mesa Verde, CO.  Judy’s work is in permanent collections in New York, Vermont, New Mexico and California. 

Julie Johnson

Julie Johnson, MS Physics, New Mexico Tech. Julie took up belly dancing as a hobby 在过去的45年里,他一直在表演、指导和教学. 她曾担任Et Alia中东舞蹈团的编舞和总监 since 1979. 自1986年以来,她一直在365彩票在线过滤教授肚皮舞. She is 她是365彩票在线过滤肚皮舞俱乐部阿迪蒂·纳特萨的顾问.

Kenneth T Gonzales

肯尼斯·冈萨雷斯是索科罗地区的终身居民. He served in the United States Marine Corp. 退伍后,他贡献了无数小时的服务时间 Socorro County and Socorro Consolidated Schools. He has subsititue taught, coached 现在担任社区教育焊接认证讲师. 

Kim Padilla

Kim已经做了20多年的健美操教练,并获得了动感单车的认证 since 2010. 她还教科技健美操,业余时间喜欢骑自行车.  她教常规的动感单车课程和早上6:30的清晨动感单车.

Leslie Johnson

Dr. 约翰逊是索科罗的一名当地医生从大学获得了医学博士学位 of New Mexico.  She teaches the Ceramics and Handbuilding courses.  Leslie has shown 她的作品在鹤节和阿拉莫画廊展出.

Maggie Griffin-Taylor

麦琪拥有修辞学和写作博士学位,在CLASS系任教.  Maggie 在2008年获得了她的第一个证书,从那以后她又增加了数百个小时. Maggie is skilled in Hatha Yoga and Pranakriya. In addition to teaching at Tech, she 教过索科罗心理健康瑜伽、索科罗老年人中心瑜伽和瑜伽 del Sol. 

Marisa Wolfe

Marisa Wolfe拥有农村发展学士学位,是E-RYT Kripalu 瑜伽老师,也是新墨西哥州中部太阳瑜伽工作室的老板,她在那里教书 一个多样化的课程和提供车身作为一个有执照的按摩治疗师和 certified Thai Yoga Massage Practitioner.

Maureen Wilks

莫林在地球科学工作了22年后于2016年转行 New Mexico Bureau of Geology to become a compassion-based mindfulness teacher. She has been meditating on a daily basis for over ten years. 2017年,她在新墨西哥州接受了当地的培训 9-week one-on-one meditation course. In 2019 she went to Stanford University to take their 8-week Compassion Cultivation Training course. In 2020 she completed an 11 month program with the Applied Compassion Academy 与同情利他主义研究与教育中心(CCARE)合作 将基于同情的正念带回她的社区.

Melissa Begay

Melissa拥有Highlands University的健康与保健硕士学位,并曾任教 自2000年以来,梅丽莎已经完成了数百门体育娱乐课程 of hours of Yoga training. She is also certified in Spinning and Kickbox Aerobics. 梅利莎是运动和生活方式方面的认证顾问 & Weight Management.

Ramona Montoya

拉蒙娜的画在索科罗随处可见,包括沃尔玛,K-Bob,索菲亚, Sonic, and other locations. Ramona has taught Acrylics at NMT since 2008.

Sabino Grijalva

Sabino has been a PGA golf professional since 2004. He has taught golf in the Socorro area to both college and high school students. He has a Bachelor of Business Administration from Western New Mexico University.

Scott Roberts

自1991年以来,斯科特一直是一名活跃的登山者,他是一名获得铜牌、银牌和金牌的鹰级童子军. 他是野外生存、定向越野和背包旅行的教练 has served as a rock climbing guide. He is the most prominent and active route developer 也是当地索科罗攀岩社区的区域管理员. Scott has served as a climbing 在理工学院担任讲师、联合讲师或代课讲师多年. 他目前正在我们自己的NMT做一个最先进的攀岩墙 Gym! 

Scott Teare

斯科特·蒂尔研究了几种武术系统,并一直是空手道教练 at NMT for more than 10 years. Each semester he also conducts a New Mexico Department of Public Safety approved concealed carry class. On campus, he is a professor in the Electrical Engineering Department.

Theresa Boracci

Theresa has a Bachelor of Science degree from NM Tech.She has been an art instructor at Tech since 1996. 作为金属艺术和珠宝制作大师,她展示了自己的作品 at various venues around New Mexico. She is certified in Precious Metal Clay, and 是中世纪爱好者的盔甲制作专家吗.

Tony Perreault

Tony拥有NM Tech的理学学士学位,是全国协会的成员 自2007年以来,Tony也是众多数码专业人士的资深人士 photography workshops. 他的摄影作品在新墨西哥州各地展出,包括音乐节 of Cranes.